Chrome browser will become more efficient with these new features

Chrome browser will become more efficient with these new features


08 December 2022

The Chrome browser is clearly the most popular web browser of our time, but it is known that it is not the most friendly when it comes to managing system resources and protecting laptop batteries.

Google has tried several times to improve the situation and this time it is launching two new performance modes that will help users enjoy a faster user experience, but also save energy from their laptops.

These are Memory Saver and Energy Saver, with the first function inactivating the open tabs (tabs) that the user is not currently visiting, while the second one cuts off all visual parts (videos, animations, etc.) that consume a lot of energy when the battery level drops below 20%.

According to Google, Memory Saver can save up to 30% more RAM by hibernating tabs in the background, with the latter reloading from the beginning in case the user decides to open them again.

The new features will be available to all users with the arrival of the final version Chrome 108 in a few weeks for Windows PC, macOS and ChromeOS.

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