Following its 10-year anniversary last month, Telegram revealed a slew of new features and enhancements for both ordinary and Premium users. Among the most significant improvements in this release are the ability for channels to upload tales and the addition of new reaction stickers to tales.
Telegram users may now offer channels the opportunity to submit tales by granting them boosts. Only Telegram Premium users, however, receive one boost that may be applied to any channel.
Each channel may level up as it receives more boosts, and with each level, Telegram users can upload one more tale every day. It's a convoluted structure designed to persuade individuals to pay for Premium in order to promote their Stories.
Telegram also stated that channels can use a specific link to solicit users for boosts. By going to Channel Info / More / Statistics / Boosts, you may produce the link. When a channel hits level 10, it gains +15 troll resistance and unlocks unique admin skins, whatever that may be.
Furthermore, once a channel opens Stories, admins with a Telegram Premium membership can publish by pressing the + button on the Channel Info tab.
In addition, the most recent version adds the option to add response stickers to Stories. Each article published by a channel now includes response counters, allowing viewers to see how many people choose each emotion. For individuals who want to add a reaction sticker, a new icon in the sticker panel is now accessible.In addition to the standard stickers, Premium users can use any of their unique emoji.
Users may utilize audio files from their smartphones in photo and video stories using the newest version of Telegram. If you want to choose a specific segment, make sure to press "Audio" from the sticker panel and then select a file.
Finally, Telegram is receiving new login notifications. The app's most recent version will deliver alerts to all of your devices. The new logins will also cause an alert to appear at the top of the chat list.