X, the social network that was previously known as Twitter, has chosen to relax some of its regulations for users who wish to post more pornographic and sexual content on the platform. X added a new Adult Content Policy page to its help site over the weekend. X created a new support page for the Violent Content Policy.
In its own Safety X article, the business claimed that these new policy pages have superseded its previous Sensitive Media and Violent Speech regulations.
The updated Adult Content Policy page now states that X users can publish content containing "adult nudity or sexual behavior," with some restrictions. According to X, the service believes such content "can be a legitimate form of artistic expression."
Having said that, X recommends that those who want to share that type of content on their account on a regular basis make some modifications to their media settings so that their posts display a content warning before anyone can access them. X users under 18 who do not have a birthday on their account will be unable to bypass the content warnings. Additionally, adult content cannot be included in a user's profile photo or account banner.
Finally, X continues to prohibit any adult content that can be defined as "exploitation, nonconsent, objectification, sexualization or harm to minors, and obscene behaviors."
According to the Violent Content policy page, individuals can share graphic media as long as it is appropriately tagged. However, they cannot post content that is "excessively gory or depicting sexual violence." Furthermore, X still prohibits violent content that is "explicitly threatening, inciting, glorifying, or expressing desire for violence."
As with the new Adult Content regulations, individuals who frequently upload approved violent content are prompted to adjust their settings so that their postings are accompanied by a content warning.