Google Search is killing infinite scrolling

Google Search is killing infinite scrolling


25 June 2024

According to Search Engine Land, Google is discontinuing the capability of continuous scrolling in search results. The user experience, similar to social network feeds, was first implemented for mobile search results in October 2021 and later expanded to desktop search results by late 2022.

According to a Google representative, the feature of continuous scrolling will be removed from desktop search results today, and from mobile results "in the coming months."

Google's iconic pagination bar will take its place on desktop, allowing users to skip to a specific page of search results or simply click "Next" to proceed to the next page. On mobile, a "More results" button will appear at the bottom of a search to load the next page.

According to Search Engine Land, "this change is to allow the search company to serve the search results faster on more searches, instead of automatically loading results that users haven't explicitly requested."

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