How online advertising can affect our children's wellbeing

How online advertising can affect our children's wellbeing


27 June 2024

In today's digital world it is almost impossible to avoid advertising. From pop-up ads in online games to sales posts on your favorite social media accounts, we're constantly bombarded with marketing messages promoting products and services - and kids are no exception.

While advertising can be a powerful tool for businesses, its impact on young minds is often underestimated and overlooked. Research shows that because their critical thinking is still developing, minors are more influenced by these ads than adults. And, when you consider that the average teenager spends over 8.5 hours a day looking at a screen, you can imagine how many ads they see. This exposure can lead to multiple problems if not managed and discussed properly, with tech giants even coming under pressure to ban ads aimed at children altogether.

But what are the risks associated with young people being regularly targeted by these messages, whether they know it or not?

1. Normalising inappropriate behaviour

One of the most obvious risks is the exposure of children to inappropriate content, products and services. Whether it is material inappropriate for minors or violence, the exposure to this type of content, even at a subconscious level, can send the message that these behaviours are normal and create a distorted sense of what is right and wrong.

Research shows that prolonged exposure to this type of material can affect the development of the prefrontal cortex of the brain! This can lead to increased aggression and inhibited behaviour, which will follow minors for the rest of their lives and can get them into trouble in the future.

2. Distorted perception of reality

Advertising messages, which children tend to accept uncritically, can shape their perception of the world around them. With the rise of social media influencers and curated online content, ads often portray an idealized version of reality that may not reflect the complexities of everyday life. For example, with image editing software, artificial intelligence and filters, young people may be regularly exposed to a distorted idea of what they 'should' look like, what they 'should' eat, how they 'should' behave and what they 'should' share online.

This distortion can lead to unattainable expectations, low self-esteem and a distorted understanding of social norms. The result is an increase in eating disorders, anxiety, insomnia and depression in young people. Parents or responsible adults need to help children evaluate media messages and develop a balanced perspective.

3. Encourage unhealthy habits

When the purpose of advertisements is to promote sales, the nature of the products or services being promoted is important in how they can influence the consumption habits of younger people.

For example, over 85% of teens are exposed to junk food ads on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. Research shows that increased exposure to these ads is directly correlated with increased consumption of foods higher in salt, sugar and fat. And it's not just unhealthy food ads that are a problem: alcohol and tobacco products sneakily promoted on various platforms can also lead to bad habits.

4. In-app purchases and financial risks

The ability to buy virtual currencies, points, weapons, etc. in mobile games has opened up a new avenue for advertisers to reach children. While these purchases may seem innocuous at first, they can quickly escalate, leading to significant charges for parents or whoever pays the bill.

Special game features, modifications and virtual currencies entice children (and adults) and lead them to spend real money within the apps, often without fully understanding the financial implications. There have even been extreme cases where a child spent without realising it $16,000 of parents' money on in-app purchases. This extra financial outlay can put a strain on the family budget and can even lead to reckless spending habits in the future.

5. Security and privacy risks

Certain advertisements to which children may be exposed may pose significant safety and privacy risks. This may occur through specific banners, images or microsites created by cybercriminals containing malware or leading to phishing scams, putting children's devices and personal information at risk. Meanwhile, even well-known companies may track children through advertisements, compromising their privacy and collecting sensitive data without parental consent.

Protecting against these risks requires strong cybersecurity measures and parental supervision. Parental control tools can be extremely valuable in these situations, giving parents and guardians the ability to manage which applications can be installed and which websites children can access.

How can we help minors view ads with a safer eye?

While the risks may seem daunting, parents and guardians can do a lot to protect children from the negative effects that exposure to ads can have. Proactively providing support and raising awareness of ongoing risks can help caregivers stay one step ahead of this unavoidable part of everyday life.

  • Open dialogue: Open dialogue and communication play a key role in developing digital literacy and resilience. Discussing the potential risks of advertising can enable young people to make informed choices about how they receive and interpret advertising. With this knowledge and understanding, younger people may be better equipped to reject the distorted reality and unhealthy behaviours idealised in the ads they see.
  • Tools and resources: In addition to open dialogue, parental control software can be a valuable tool for managing children's online experiences. Reliable parental control solutions offer app blocking, website filtering and screen time management, allowing parents and caregivers to tailor children's digital environment to their specific needs and concerns. Using these tools in conjunction with proactive communication, parents can create a safer online environment for their children.

Using these tools in combination with proactive communication, parents can create a safer online environment for their children. The influence of advertising on children's well-being is great. However, with vigilant parental supervision, open communication and appropriate technology solutions, parents and guardians can help mitigate these risks and empower their children to navigate the digital world safely and responsibly.

*Image Used via Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

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