Roaming – areas of the Republic of Cyprus not under the effective control of the Government
The following charges apply while roaming in the areas of the Republic of Cyprus not under the effective control of the Government
For outgoing calls there is a minimum charge of 60 seconds and then the charging step applies per 30 seconds.
For incoming calls the charging step applies per second.
For mobile internet the charging step applies per KB.
In accordance with EU regulations, data roaming is subject to limits (currently €50/month excl. VAT, limit applies to out of bundle usage only).
You will receive an SMS when you get close to the limit and have the option to call 133 if you wish to avoid the restriction.
The roaming service in the areas of the Republic of Cyprus not under the effective control of the Government is not enabled by default.
To activate the service, send an SMS with «T ON» or «t on» to 8133 an hour before leaving Primetel’s network.
Always deactivate the service upon your return by sending an SMS with «T OFF» or «t off» to 8133.
The SMS to 8133 is free of charge.