Following a January upgrade, Telegram now allows you to send one-time voice and video messages that disappear after being played again. This ephemerality helps you to more accurately replicate a real-life discussion in which you only say something once and the other person is unable to continue listening.
To record view-once messages, slide up to lock recording and then hit the view-once symbol before transmitting them. after the recipient receives the messages, a little 1 indicates that it is a one-time communication, which cannot be halted or rewound and vanishes after completed.
While this may appear to be a good idea, keep in mind that there is nothing to prevent someone from recording the message and listening to it later.
Another new feature in the most recent version is the ability to view exactly when messages in 1-on-1 conversations were opened. You can change the privacy settings for this feature based on your Last Seen status. If you conceal your Last Seen time for specific users, you may also hide your Read status from them. To check when your message was read, simply touch and read at the top of the pop-up.
Other new features for free Telegram users include new shared contact designs, enhanced video messaging on iOS with higher video quality, quicker front and rear camera switching, and decreased camera wobble. For macOS users, the software includes 15 icons that fit your decor and stand out on the dock.
If you pay for Telegram Premium, you'll receive a slew of additional features, like quicker video stories, private message permissions that limit you to messages from contacts and premium users, one-way last seen and read times, and tags to help you organize stored conversations more simply.