Earlier in the year we had Meta's announcement that it will allow the use of WhatsApp with the same account on more than 1 smartphones, something that became a reality a few weeks ago for Android smartphones through the Companion mode.
The similar feature is now also given to iOS device users, who can now connect the same WhatsApp account on up to 4 different devices in order to receive notifications and see all their conversations synchronized regardless of which device they are using at the moment. All messages and conversations are protected by end-to-end encryption, but status updates are only shown on the device that is declared as the primary device.
WhatsApp's Companion Mode for iOS devices appeared in version 23.10.76 for some users, however, the launch is being phased in and it may take a few days before you see the option on your own devices. Once it becomes available, the process of connecting the same account on up to 4 iPhones can be done all too easily by scanning the relevant QR code from the primary device to the other iPhone.