Instagram using video selfies to verify identity of users

Instagram using video selfies to verify identity of users


16 November 2021

Instagram has started using a new method for the identity verification of its users. According to social media consultant Matt Navara, the social media platform is asking users to take a video selfie to help confirm that they’re a real person. Instagram introduces this feature to reduce the number of fake accounts on the platform.

Meta, Instagram’s owner, reassured that no biometric data will be collected and that this feature will only be used for identity verification. Identity verification is preferably performed when a new user registers on the platform, therefore existing users are not being required to complete the video selfie procedure at this time. The company also clarified that video selfies will never be visible on Instagram and will be deleted from the servers within 30 days.

Technically, Instagram will require new users to send a short selfie video clip, which will then be used by the company's AI algorithms to verify users’ identities.

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